They experience the world differently—a world that isn't designed with them in mind.
School is exhausting, even when they’re incredibly smart.
Home feels like a constant battle.
Friendships are complicated, or nonexistent.
The joyful, curious child you once knew is not the same.
They don't need to change- they need a place where they feel safe to be themselves.
They need connection with someone who truly gets them.
You love your child, every bit of them.
But sometimes, it feels like no one else truly understands.
Friends, teachers -even family- don't always get it.
You've researched, you've tried everything.
Yet, you're still searching.
You just want to know you're doing the right thing.
You're exhausted. You're scared. You wish you could see the future.
Amy just gets it. She offers solutions and strategies while honoring our expertise as individual parents to twice-exceptional children. She’s been the first consultative professional to offer a holistic and strengths-based approach for our particular learner.
- Mom of twice exceptional, AUDHD 6th grader
We are fierce advocates for neurodiversity, inclusion,
and radical acceptance.
Our mission is to help you and your child flourish by embracing what's strong. We shift the focus from struggles to strengths, from deficits to possibilities.
Through a holistic lens, we reimagine education, family life, and experiences in ways that honor inviduality, nurture creativity, and foster genuine connection.
I am a parent of complex, multi-exceptional children. I've questioned if I was doing it right. I've worried about the future.
When I couldn't find answers from others, I earned a doctorate by working alongside the very leaders who defined twice-exceptionality.
I reimagined education. I embraced innovative parenting strategies. I conducted my own resaerch. I became an expert.
Now, I help parents like you find what works- so you don't have to do it alone.