We work mostly with families of students that experience one or more learning differences or mental health challenge along with asynchronous development or giftedness. Giftedness in my work includes more than advanced cognitive abilities or acceleration in a school classroom. In fact, most of the gifted students I work with do not thrive in mainstream classrooms without support and understanding. We instead consider giftedness to include advanced abilities or intensities in all areas including creative thinking and innovation, philosophical and theoretical thinking, social justice and environmental protection, spatial awareness, athletics, music, art, dance, etc.
Our clients very often have received diagnoses or labels such as Asynchronously Developing, Gifted, Profoundly Gifted along with Autistic, ADHD, Anxiety, Highly Sensitive, OCD, Depression, PDA, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, Sensory Differences, Tourette Syndrome, Auditory or Visual Processing Differences, ARFID (and other eating disorders), and more. We look not at labels but at how the blend of abilities and challenges come together in a shade as unique as one’s skin color. We love them all.